
Admin Reports & Dashboards Promote Engagement

Govenda® offers quick access to all the reports and information that admins need to get their job done, without having to manually keep track.

Admin Dashboard

Manage Meetings and Settings—and the Board—with Helpful Widgets

Your homepage is exactly that: yours. Admins have customizable options and pre-built widgets—including upcoming meetings, past meetings, open eSignatures, and notes—to fine-tune their dashboards. Hide features that you don’t use often to further streamline and organize your screen.

Easier Board Meeting Dashboards and Reports

Personalized Dashboard
Asset 39
Streamlined, Simplified Board Governance
Simple to Set Up and Maintain
Save Time and Money
Member Activity Reporting

Encourage Engagement and Collaboration

Administrators can monitor member engagement and platform usage. Enhanced reporting fields mean you always have quick access to the data you’re looking to track. 

Attendance Reporting

Easily See Who's Signed In to Meetings

Admins can handle meeting attendance and assign tasks during meetings. This makes it easy to monitor and track meeting attendance, pull attendance reports, export lists, and populate attendance straight into Govenda’s Minutes feature ,directly from our web-based or mobile app. 

As an admin, it was very easy to set up and make last-minute changes.

Rachael | Timberline Bank

I used to print all our board papers and had to manually number the pages—and our Board Packages always consist of 350 pages or more. Govenda makes my work so much easier!

Florence Robanakadavu | Fiji National Provident Fund

Govenda is like the greatest combination of Google Drive, DocuSign, Slack Channels, and a bunch of things, all made simple.

Michael Klein | iCAD


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